The environment is currently facing many issues. The problems listed below are just a few. Take some time to click on each issue and learn more about it. After reading each issue, try to help our environment by doing at least one of the solutions listed within an issue. Your help will not only help us and our environment, but future generations as well.
~ Pranati Reddy Nadavaluru
Eighty percent of Earth’s known animal and plant species reside in forests. Forest trees provide shelter, while the canopy helps regulate light and temperatures. As these trees are removed, temperature variations, increased sunlight, and vulnerability could prove fatal for all forest plant and animal species. |
The average adult inhales and exhales about 7 to 8 liters of air per minute while at rest. That's a minimum of about 11,000 liters of air per day. Breathing dirty air affects more than just lungs and causes more than premature death. Air pollution affects almost every organ in the body. |
Higher temperatures are worsening many types of disasters, including storms, heat waves, floods, and droughts. A warmer climate creates an atmosphere that can collect, retain, and drop more water, changing weather patterns in such a way that wet areas become wetter and dry areas drier.
Water is uniquely vulnerable to pollution. Known as a “universal solvent,” water is able to dissolve more substances than any other liquid on earth. It’s the reason we have Kool-Aid and brilliant blue waterfalls. It’s also why water is so easily polluted. Toxic substances from farms, towns, and factories readily dissolve into and mix with it, causing water pollution.